2013年10月15日 星期二



KeyShot4 精英班KeyShot4 進階動畫製作班
KeyShot4新版上市。Powerful new features, and the rendering speed you need. 更強大的功能,更方便操作方式,更多的材質,用於呈現最出色的使用者介面的簡單更新。學習更完整的直覺式動畫系統,利用序列和調整動畫播放即時完成3D效果動畫設計;瞭解KeyShotVR來創建高品質的即時3D互動內容,即可觀看3D互動產品的展示。
1.Animation 介紹
2.KeyshotVR 介紹
1.Animation 應用及例題演練
2.KeyshotVR 應用及例題演練
3D Printer應用設計班
3D列印將在2013年蔚為風潮, 顛覆傳統製造思考方式,如何透過3D 建模及3D Printer方式呈現產品設計創意,將是彩原科技3D Printer教育訓練重點.現場展示3D Printer,使用介紹及3D Printer的應用設計,感受3D列印的震撼魅力。
1.3D Printer 基本介紹
2.3D Printer 安裝操作
3.3D Printer 軟體應用
4.3D Printer 展示列印
2.快速上手3D Printer
5. 應用班費用$5,000

匯款帳號: 台灣中小企業銀行 內湖分行082-12-02378-8


彩原科技以『品質、專業、服務』的三大理念,致力於專業多元化的設計及視覺顯像解決方案。提供客戶藍寶AMD專業工作站顯示卡系列及視覺顯像應用產品、Design Visualization設計視覺化及、DFSS Tolerance analysis公差分析及DFM(Design For Manufacturing)設計可製造性、Design Collaboration設計協同及Carbon Footprint碳足跡解決方案。彩原科技堅持為客戶提供全方位的解決方案及技術服務,秉持著承諾與責任,以客戶的需求為優先,協助客戶提昇自我競爭力,致力於成為市場的領導者。
彩原科技網站 www.iristech.com.tw
彩原科技軟體官網 www.keyshot.com.tw
彩原科技人體工學應用官網 www.irisview.com.tw

DFMPro 3.5 Announcement

DFMPro 3.5 Announcement

Geometric has released 
DFMPro version 3.5 for Pro/Engineer and Creo/Parametric

What’s new
DFMPro V3.5
S.N. Process Rule name
1 Welding Weld Leg For T- Joint
2 General Fillet Radius
3 General Minimum Wall Thickness for Boss
4 General Minimum Drill Breakout Wall Thickness
5 Sheetmetal Part Count Reduction - Thickness Based
6 Sheetmetal Beta - Notch Parameters
7 Sheetmetal Beta - Tab Parameters
8 Injection Molding Minimum Radius at Base of Rib
9 Injection Molding Spacing Between Holes
10 Injection Molding Hole Depth to Diameter Ratio
11 Injection Molding Beta - Undercut Interference Check
12 Injection Molding Beta - Snap fit - Mold Parameters 
13 Injection Molding Beta - Core-Cavity Surface Area Ratio
14 Injection Molding Beta - Maximum Rib Height for Rib Thickness
15 Assembly Check Preferred Components

Featured design rule
v3.5 features a design rule for welding, which is critical from ensuring the strength of a fillet weld joint. Fillet welds are typically used on T-joints. Fillet welds can be as strong as or stronger than the base metal if the weld is the correct size and the proper welding techniques are used. Under welding can result in a weak joint causing failure during operation. Over welding results in not just waste of weld material but also time required to do the weld. It can also lead to residual stress in the joint. 

The rule is based on based practices for welded joints. The designer can quickly verify all the weld joints in the design using this automated rule and make corrections where required.

Upcoming rules
- Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
- Composites manufacturing

DFMPro is a design assistant solution for validating designs from manufacturing point of view right at the design stage. It automates manufacturability checks, which helps design and manufacturing engineers validate the design quickly. It assists identification of design areas that are difficult, expensive or impossible to manufacture, assemble and service. It works on the principle of ‘Right First Time’ by validating manufacturability guidelines right at the design stage. These guidelines can be easily configured as per organizational requirements in the form of rules. It also facilitates a collaborative design environment by generating reports, which are compact and easy to share.

彩原科技以『品質、專業、服務』的三大理念,致力於專業多元化的設計及視覺顯像解決方案。提供客戶藍寶AMD專業工作站顯示卡系列及視覺顯像應用產品、Design Visualization設計視覺化及、DFSS Tolerance analysis公差分析及DFM(Design For Manufacturing)設計可製造性、Design Collaboration設計協同及Carbon Footprint碳足跡解決方案。彩原科技堅持為客戶提供全方位的解決方案及技術服務,秉持著承諾與責任,以客戶的需求為優先,協助客戶提昇自我競爭力,致力於成為市場的領導者。
彩原科技網站 www.iristech.com.tw
彩原科技軟體官網 www.keyshot.com.tw
彩原科技人體工學應用官網 www.irisview.com.tw

Who is using Keyshot-SRAM

Who is using Keyshot-SRAM

最終 ride–此字自己灌輸冒險感、 空氣品質、 承諾、 奉獻精神和推進工程進展的激情。SRAM 是設置,完善和重新定義與智慧、 精明的夥伴關係和強迫性的激情使你的車更好地在過去 25 年推進的自行車元件技術狀態的終極騎的頂峰。這一切開始的革命的抓地力轉移,導致的其他元件和加入部隊與高度成功,頂部的線懸掛、 制動、 支架和齒品牌發展的一個巨大的成功。SRAM 繼續可靠性、 可靠性和品質,其重點尋求精密,並在整個產品開發過程中使用快速鍵提供的視覺效果。

Modeling software used:
SRAM 是一多國公司全球總部設在伊利諾州芝加哥市。正是在這裡 SRAM 的工業設計團隊協力與工程、 產品管理、 市場行銷、 和製造。工業設計團隊是組成的三個內部核心團隊成員 ;產品圖形設計師完成工程師和工業設計師。這些三個內部 ID 團隊工作-手牽手-與對方從一開始的每個專案,以確保每個設計執行與最高注重細節和品質。

SRAM 在整個設計過程中使用Keyshot來説明溝通初步概念的工業設計團隊內部以及外部與產品管理和市場行銷。"主要工業和產品圖形設計師使用keyshot顯示的形式的我們的產品的外觀,不同的完成和圖形選項進行討論和回饋從我們完成工程師。"解釋 Dhiraj 馬都拉,全球總監工業設計在 SRAM,我們 可製造性 的概念,滿足我們品牌的準則,在到達後我們使用Keyshot我們概念向產品管理和市場行銷。

"Keyshot,產品的圖形設計師只有以前從 Adobe Illustrator 來類比其圖形的概念,不能準確地描繪我們使用我們的產品或圖形的外觀上 3D 形式從不同的角度的所有不同飾面的 2D 向量圖像。使用Keyshot在概念階段的早期有助於我們我們設計為設置目標越早該產品的外觀在生產中使它更容易的產品管理和市場行銷進行視覺化的概念與更大的信心"。

Keyshot4.2 is coming

Keyshot4.2 is coming

KeyShot 4.2 Sneak Peek: Render Faster, Set Cores, Groups, Themes & Improved Import

一個新季節我們宣佈Keyshot 4.2 不久即將發表。正如你所知,我們有很多強大的功能在 4.0 和 4.1 版本中的。Keyshot4.2 引入了一些新的功能,以及改善的功能、 使用者介面和整體體驗Keyshot使用者要求的功能。我們會很有啟發性的功能的完整清單並更新 10 月初,但是想要共用一套核心的專案我們都激動地介紹。

KeyShot 4.2 Availability & Highlights
目前,Keyshot 4.2 是在封閉測試的計畫的發佈日期為 10 月上旬。以下是幾項新功能及改進來到Keyshot 4.2 的一大亮點。

Faster realtime render mode
See material, lighting and camera changes faster than ever before. The realtime render mode (max time / max samples) has been significantly improved and delivers much better results in shorter amount of time.

Set Core usage
Control how many cores KeyShot uses straight from your preferences. You now have the ability to set # of cores used by KeyShot from the Edit, Preferences menu. The minimum setting is 4.

Create and arrange groups in the Scene tab. You can now modify, group and rearrange the structure of the model hierarchy in the KeyShot Scene tab, as well as drag and drop parts and subassemblies from one group to another.

Choose from a light color theme or a dark color theme. From the Edit, Preferences menu, you can now set a dark KeyShot theme if you prefer that over the default lighter KeyShot theme.

Improved Import
The SolidWorks BETA importer (default on Mac) is more robust with the latest build. With KeyShot 4.2 we are also introducing support for Autodesk Inventor 2014. You can now import ALIAS files using a third option called “Object”. This will allow the user to import the file in their original structure. This may only be useful in certain cases, but at least it is an option now.
Stay tuned. We’ll have more details on these features when the new version launches, an updated What’s New page and guide and a new KeyShot 4.2 Overview video available in our Tutorials section.