by Josh on May 23, 2012
今天,我們很高興地宣佈KeyShot 3.2已經正式問世。過去兩個月我們已經提振了渲染功能及核心做提升。此更新的重點是功能完成、 UI 清理和穩定性。KeyShot 3.2 更新,以説明改善和加快新功能和現有的功能,與幾個小小的增補擴大的不斷增加,我們支援的格式。這裡是您將看到此更新中的主要改進的清單。
KeyShot 3.2 Updates
新材料範本現在支援部分組成的名稱及Wild Cards,速度的材料分配過程對導入的映射。KeyShot 3.2 現在支援材料、 紋理和環境的即時的載入。光是一個重大的進步,在查找並應用材料所需的時間。在 3D 模型上導入的應用材料部分名稱和萬用字元的支援更快的速度成為一種模型已導入後,現在將應用材料範本。此外,UNDO功能已經大大增加與提供UNDO幾乎每個命令的選項。
Improved material templates – support for parts and materials as template items, plus wild card support (*.*)
Instant loading of library – no longer do you have to sit and wait, even if you have thousands of materials in your library (same goes for environments, backplates, textures, renderings
Completely re-worked UNDO stack – UNDO pretty much everything.
Support for scale and transformations (remembered on all levels in the model)
Support for “unlimited” decimal places
Cylindrical texture mapping improvements
Use the arrow keys to move around in the scene tree, through the camera list etc.
Expand all / Collapse all options for scene tree
Sync of realtime and advanced render settings in render dialog (raybounces, shadow quality)
New camera “unsaved” state
Increase of maximum raybounces in realtime settings to 64.
UI cleanup and performance improvements throughout the system
Improvements to SolidWorks importer (faster, more robust)
Improvements to ALIAS importer (Import by layer AND shader)
Support for Creo 2.0
Support for Autodesk ALIAS 2013
Support for Autodesk Maya 2013
Bug fixes
Added Spanish language support (UI only)
Updated plugins
Independent of KeyShot 3.2 but also being released today are updated plugins for Creo, Rhino and SolidWorks. Updates include improved import and bug fixes.
今天,我們很高興地宣佈KeyShot 3.2已經正式問世。過去兩個月我們已經提振了渲染功能及核心做提升。此更新的重點是功能完成、 UI 清理和穩定性。KeyShot 3.2 更新,以説明改善和加快新功能和現有的功能,與幾個小小的增補擴大的不斷增加,我們支援的格式。這裡是您將看到此更新中的主要改進的清單。
KeyShot 3.2 Updates
新材料範本現在支援部分組成的名稱及Wild Cards,速度的材料分配過程對導入的映射。KeyShot 3.2 現在支援材料、 紋理和環境的即時的載入。光是一個重大的進步,在查找並應用材料所需的時間。在 3D 模型上導入的應用材料部分名稱和萬用字元的支援更快的速度成為一種模型已導入後,現在將應用材料範本。此外,UNDO功能已經大大增加與提供UNDO幾乎每個命令的選項。
Improved material templates – support for parts and materials as template items, plus wild card support (*.*)
Instant loading of library – no longer do you have to sit and wait, even if you have thousands of materials in your library (same goes for environments, backplates, textures, renderings
Completely re-worked UNDO stack – UNDO pretty much everything.
Support for scale and transformations (remembered on all levels in the model)
Support for “unlimited” decimal places
Cylindrical texture mapping improvements
Use the arrow keys to move around in the scene tree, through the camera list etc.
Expand all / Collapse all options for scene tree
Sync of realtime and advanced render settings in render dialog (raybounces, shadow quality)
New camera “unsaved” state
Increase of maximum raybounces in realtime settings to 64.
UI cleanup and performance improvements throughout the system
Improvements to SolidWorks importer (faster, more robust)
Improvements to ALIAS importer (Import by layer AND shader)
Support for Creo 2.0
Support for Autodesk ALIAS 2013
Support for Autodesk Maya 2013
Bug fixes
Added Spanish language support (UI only)
Updated plugins
Independent of KeyShot 3.2 but also being released today are updated plugins for Creo, Rhino and SolidWorks. Updates include improved import and bug fixes.