2013年1月10日 星期四

SpinFire 10.5新版上市

SpinFire 10.5新版上市

SpinFire 10.5 contains the following updates:

。5 new conversion outputs for our CAD2CAD* feature:

。The tree control issue that caused poor performance for users without internet connection has been fixed

* Just a reminder, please note that the CAD2CAD function is a paid feature. Customers will have to purchase this option.

This feature should work with your reseller license, however, if you find that it is not available (ie greyed out), pleasecontact your Regional Sales Manager and they can update your license.

The SpinFire 10.5 help pages are still a work in progress and not yet live to the public until the general release, so you will have to use the following login information to access the pages:

User Name: actifyreseller

Password: r3s3773r

For the release notes of SpinFire 10.5, please go to the following location on the help site:

For information on the CAD2CAD function, please go to the following location on the help site:

Here are the links for SpinFire 10.5

●Single File Install:  For multiple Network Installations

●Web Install:  Downloads components from the internet
●Reader Install:  For only the Free Reader component. No license required.

The update to SpinFire 10.5 will not go live on the website and to customers until Friday, 4 January so as to provide you with time to fully test out the product before it is available to customers and prospects. As always, this date is dependent on any issues that are reported by you during this prerelease period.

