KeyShot 4.1 Preview
KeyShot 4.1 preview
Our focus this release has been to extend the tools that have made KeyShot so powerful. We’ve heard from many of you, how KeyShot is used throughout the entire design process, in concept presentation, for ideation, engineering documentation, marketing, website visuals and sales material. It’s important to us that KeyShot allows 3D professionals to have unlimited flexibility in the creation of these visuals, visuals that, building on the new features in KeyShot 4, are even easier to create with the new capabilities and improvements we are introducing in KeyShot 4.1.
Focused caustics

Procedural textures新的程序紋理應用紋理類型時可用到一個對象,並可以用任何材料,給你最大的靈活性材料外觀。六種預設程序的材料允許用戶立即應用到任何表面上的無縫紋理與加入的擴展能力,調整凹凸的高度和同步到其他紋理。六個預置包括花崗岩,皮革,大理石,噪聲(紋理),噪聲(形)和木材更計劃在未來的版本中。這只是一個例子,用的金屬John Seymour提供。

Toon shading
非真實感(NPR)Toon著色的材料類型,讓您套用純色,堅實的陰影和輪廓,你的對象為一個單位,CEL陰影外觀。從材料的類型選擇框,您可以快速應用這種材料,使用很多選項來調整材料顏色沿著與輪廓顏色,角度,寬度,質量和更先進的選項來調整輪廓和陰影。這是John Seymour,顯示了Toon著色渲染。

Our focus this release has been to extend the tools that have made KeyShot so powerful. We’ve heard from many of you, how KeyShot is used throughout the entire design process, in concept presentation, for ideation, engineering documentation, marketing, website visuals and sales material. It’s important to us that KeyShot allows 3D professionals to have unlimited flexibility in the creation of these visuals, visuals that, building on the new features in KeyShot 4, are even easier to create with the new capabilities and improvements we are introducing in KeyShot 4.1.
Focused caustics
Procedural textures新的程序紋理應用紋理類型時可用到一個對象,並可以用任何材料,給你最大的靈活性材料外觀。六種預設程序的材料允許用戶立即應用到任何表面上的無縫紋理與加入的擴展能力,調整凹凸的高度和同步到其他紋理。六個預置包括花崗岩,皮革,大理石,噪聲(紋理),噪聲(形)和木材更計劃在未來的版本中。這只是一個例子,用的金屬John Seymour提供。
Toon shading
非真實感(NPR)Toon著色的材料類型,讓您套用純色,堅實的陰影和輪廓,你的對象為一個單位,CEL陰影外觀。從材料的類型選擇框,您可以快速應用這種材料,使用很多選項來調整材料顏色沿著與輪廓顏色,角度,寬度,質量和更先進的選項來調整輪廓和陰影。這是John Seymour,顯示了Toon著色渲染。