2013年2月7日 星期四

CETOL - 讓您正確的解決公差問題

CETOL - 讓您正確的解決公差問題

公差分析絕對是產品設計驗證的重要課題之一,但一般工程師由於缺乏適當的軟體輔助,因此只能用簡單的EXCEL (Worse Case & RSS)來做簡單的驗證!但這樣的方式往往相當麻煩,前期不僅要花很多時間在剖面、設計封閉尺寸鏈,計算完成之後又無法得到具體有效的解決方案,很多細節也無法做設定,因此對整個設計驗證的幫助並不大。

CETOL 6σ是一套專業且準確的三維公差分析軟體,使用者可直接與CAD軟體整合(Pro/E / SolidWorks / CATIA),意味著工程師在CAD軟體設計3D結構時,便可同步進行公差分析的驗證,若有任何的設計變更或設計方案,亦可同時在CETOL上做分析計算及比較。

CETOL 6σ 採用自由度的概念來進行公差分析的計算,也就是說使用者只要有真實組裝的概念即可進行設定及分析,不同的組裝方式、組裝順序、量測基準、定位方式及尺寸標註方式都可以透過CETOL 6σ來進行驗證及進行設計最佳化&標準化的工作。唯有這樣的模擬組裝設定,才可以計算出最精準且正確的結果。CETOL 6σ可協助使用者找出設計中最關鍵的尺寸及公差,並偕同CAD軟體做出動態模擬,有助於使用者對問題點的了解及改善。

若您想更進一步的了解CETOL 6σ,歡迎您洽詢彩原科技,我們可替您做進一步的介紹!!

輕鬆做好組裝檢查 - DFMPro

輕鬆做好組裝檢查 - DFMPro




◆ Interference Detection (干涉檢查)
◆ Hole Alignment (孔對齊)
◆ Minimum Clearance Between Components (指定物件間隙)
◆ Fastener Clearance (螺絲鎖附餘隙)
◆ Fastener Engagement Length (螺絲吃牙深度)
◆ Fastener Accessibility (螺絲組配干涉)

DFMPro的優點在於可短時間內完成檢查,使用者可在不耽誤現有工作的情況下,同時做好這些重要的檢查工作。DFMPro除了組裝類規則之外,更包含了 Injection Molding / Sheet Metal / Machine 等各種類別的檢查項目(超過100項檢查規則) ,使用者同時可根據客戶或廠商需求來制訂好各種規格,並與以檢查!


Who is using KeyShot? Shawn Rabensburg / Red Harbinger

Who is using KeyShot? Shawn Rabensburg / Red Harbinger

  Red Harbinger是前沿和未來的科技設計和解決方案公司,重點是改變人們認為有關日常計算的方式。PC 愛好者,及注重 PC 美學和功能。與 PC 使用者從網上游戲玩家、 音樂家、 演出者和程式師,他們看到了裝配的最具創新性人才,糾正已成為當今電腦業如此普遍的目標的機會。通過創造性智力和出色的設計,Red Harbinger著已經準備好改變 PC 愛好者市場的面貌和我們談到副總和 KeyShot 使用者,Shawn Rabensburg,他們如何使用 KeyShot 有助於使這種情況發生。


Shawn Rabensburg / Red Harbinger

Modeling software used: SolidWorks
One out of every seven people worldwide own a computer; three out of four people in the United States own at least one computer. So why are we still stuck on these ugly black boxes that contain a rats nest of cables and wires? Red Harbinger has aimed to remedy this problem globally, and by doing so, their designs have recently become some of the most sought after hardware in the industry.
Red Harbinger was formed in mid-2011. Since then, their ideas have taken off and the interest in their products exploded virtually overnight. The team all has backgrounds that are heavily steeped in computers. Whether it’s through gaming, graphic design, engineering, programming, sound and video production, or serious modification design, each brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. They may be new to the scene, but are also drawing on decades of experience.


Luxion: What sets Red Harbinger apart?

Shawn Rabensburg: We’ve been asked this question a few times in the recent past and the answer keeps changing little by little because there are so many things that set our products apart. Let’s use the Cross desk for instance.
The main thing with Cross is that currently there isn’t a computer case on the market that offers the customization and scalability options that we built into ours. Oh sure, there are a few cases out there that allow you to throw 2 motherboards inside.
But they don’t offer the cable management, cooling, expansion, or aesthetic options and features that Cross offers. For the most part they are just alternate takes on the same case design that has been getting overplayed in the PC world for the past 15-20 years.
So when you buy a Red Harbinger product, you can take comfort in the fact that our products don’t fit into any of the standard molds. Our products are something else entirely.

L: What would you say is unique about the design process at Red Harbinger?

SR: This is where things get kind of interesting. Most of us currently don’t have the advantage of living very close to each other, so all of our design collaboration is accomplished online. Thomas Nunn (CEO) and Chuck Prill (Logisitics) live in Texas, Scott Bruins (Engineer) is in Minnesota, I am in Nebraska, and Peter (Designer) is all the way across the world in Holland. This presents all kinds of challenges with scheduling, on top of the fact that we all maintain 40 hour per week jobs that are still paying all of our bills. But we have managed to pull through all of that and design a product that certainly stands apart from the rest. We all decide from a very high level exactly what we would like to see in a final design. Scott will take all of our input and lay the groundwork, then upload all of his progress online. We all QA the design and tweak it back and forth until we are happy and we send it off to prototype. Once we got over the hurdle of not always being able to collaborate in real time with each other the rest of the pieces fell into place.

L: What software do you use for 3D modeling?

SR:We use SolidWorks for the design and engineering process. Scott will send the 3D data to me and I import to KeyShot for the graphics work. Lately we have been dabbling in Augmented Reality, and one of the requirements of AR work is that you have a relatively lightweight model or scene. While SolidWorks is simply amazing for a lot of things, I have found that producing a realistically detailed yet low poly version of our desk and all of its components is not really one of them. Instead, we use a SolidWorks importer plugin for 3dsMax. Once the model is in 3dsMax, I have to take a little extra time to individually remodel or re-topologize each piece to reduce the overall poly count. From there I can import into Unity for AR work.
As VP of this company, I obviously have other tasks that also need my attention and at the end of the day, I simply don’t have the time for all that. KeyShot is amazing in that regard because it allows me to quickly and precisely create a photorealistic visual representation of our products.”

L: What brought you to the decision to use KeyShot?
SR:Once I saw the ease of use and rendering speed, it was pretty much a no brainer. Even more so when I noticed there were plugins that directly supported the import of data from SolidWorks. A designer can spend hours and hours setting up lights and scenes, adjusting materials, tweaking render settings, etc. As VP of this company, I obviously have other tasks that also need my attention and at the end of the day, I simply don’t have the time for all that. KeyShot is amazing in that regard because it allows me to quickly and precisely create a photorealistic visual representation of our products. It has managed to work its way so deeply into my own processes, that I’m not really sure what I would do without it at this point. KeyShot helps my job not suck. Especially since KeyShot brought in the ability to use material templates. With a model like the Cross desk that is comprised of hundreds of smaller models, that’s a pretty big deal.

L: How has KeyShot helped you save time, money or improve quality??
SR:I mainly produce renders of our various product pieces to be used in-house. This gives us a first look at how whatever piece we are working on is going to look. As a small startup company that has limited funds, we don’t really have the luxury of producing prototype after prototype until we finally come up with a design or a look that we are happy with. So we wind up obsessing over the details in the software and try our best to nail it in the first prototype run. So far this process has worked for us and KeyShot has definitely played a big part in that.

L: What has been your favorite project?

SR:It honestly would be difficult to nail down a “favorite project” of the past year since we formed Red Harbinger. I think all of us tend to try to have a good time no matter what piece of the puzzle we are working with on any given day. Except while designing the legs. We all hated talking to each other for about two months during that time until we came up with a design that everyone was happy with.
If I absolutely had to nail down my highlights they would include posting the very first images of our design online for the world to see, seeing our first prototype build, filming for our kickstarter campaign with UFC legend Jens Pulver, and reading the first couple of articles written about us in PCGamer and Gamefront (even if they were slightly inaccurate). It has really been a tremendously crazy year, but we’ve had a blast the entire way.

L: What is one piece of advice you would pass along to someone interested in engineering and design?

SR:Best piece of advice I can give is to not focus on all the reasons why something can’t be done and focus on why it can be done. If you just pick a place to start and begin hammering everything out, all of the pieces will inevitably fall into place in front of you. So put on your headphones, crank up your music and just get to work.

Red Harbinger is:
Thomas Nunn (CEO & Pres)
Shawn Rabensburg (CIO & VP)
Peter Brands – L3P (Director of Design)
Scott Bruins (Chief Engineer)
Chuck Prill (Chief Logistician)

Connect with Red Harbinger:



2013年2月6日 星期三

KeyShot 4 Preview

KeyShot 4即將透過改進的渲染功能及使用者互動介面,新的材質、模具咬花、Pantone Color及Pro/E Live Link……提供使用者更多元設計思想和不斷創新發展,更快速渲染及上手。 相關新功能Preview如下,更多KeyShot4新功能後續即將介紹……

1. Luxion與彩原科技合作KeyShot4繁體中文版

2.Mold-Tech® Textures模具咬花

3.支援Pantone Color

4. 支援Pro/E Live linking(支援設計變更)
