2013年4月9日 星期二

藍寶AMD FirePro R5000遠程遙控專業卡發佈 –針對IT管理及數據安全的最佳繪圖運算方案

藍寶AMD FirePro R5000遠程遙控專業卡發佈 –針對IT管理及數據安全的最佳繪圖運算方案

<台北 FEB 27, 2012>  藍寶PGS於今日發佈AMD FirePro™ R5000 遠程遙控專業顯卡, 提供一個靈活並易於管理遠端圖形的解決方案。專為遠端3D圖形工作流設計,擁有全IP網路運行的經驗。  具有功耗優勢和成本效率的AMD FirePro R5000 在資料中心的IT管理人員眼中,是面對緊湊空間、功耗限制和冷卻成本構成的持續挑戰中, 理想的操作解決方案。

藍寶AMD FirePro R5000 整合AMD的最新新核圖架構28奈米(GCN)和 Teradici公司的PCoIP的技術架構,並以低延遲傳輸提供一個三D設計的環境,多顯示器支援使各類CAD,醫療成像和專業金融資料人士獲得理想的體驗。AMD FirePro R5000也利用它的安全協議補充企業的智慧財產權,因為關鍵資訊從來都沒有離開資料中心伺服器中。

“IT專業人士正在尋找一個安全的和直觀的雲端圖形解決方案,其所提供的核心功能,能夠適應每個員工的獨特的圖形需求,”AMD專業繪圖部門總經理David Cummings說道 “當在尋找完善的遠端圖形解決方案時,AMD FirePro R5000滿足這些需求,提供靈活、功能、安全,這是目前業界領先最好的遠端圖形解決方案。”

AMD FirePro R5000遠端圖形卡的特點和優點

  • 低功耗的解決方案: 伺服器端150W最大功率消耗有助於減少電力成本;並使小型低功率要求的遠端用戶端設備,也能夠支援高達四顯示遠端使用
  • 有效散熱:最大限度地減少系統的熱源與員工工作區風扇的雜訊;變速風扇調整加快空氣流通,製造出清涼的空氣有助於降低冷卻成本,創造涼爽安靜的工作環境
  • 簡約的安裝: 集中位於資料中心機房,使它可以適應靈活安排座位及員工採用零用戶端,最終幫助員工更快的啟動和運行,順利投入工作
  • 完善的相容: 滿足部署靈活性的需要,包括選擇安裝在桌面工作站,機架和刀鋒伺服器,和PCIe®擴展機架中。
  • 電源管理: AMD PowerTune和AMD zerocore電力智慧電源管理和監控工具,使其管理人員有效地跟蹤和控制顯示卡的使用
  • 高性能遠端協議: 採用下一代的Teradici公司TERA2240編碼處理器能夠傳輸高達每秒百萬圖元和為每個使用者驅動四個螢幕,刷新率每秒高達60幀,被Teradici公司描述為“最好的遠端用戶體驗“。
“通過引入擁有 PCoIP協議的AMD FirePro R5000,IT部門現在有強大的中央集權的計算解決方案,易於管理,並提供更佳的圖形性能,可輕鬆處理高解析度的圖像,視頻和3D模型,” Teradici產品管理副總裁Trent Punnett說道,“此外,AMD FirePro R5000可以搭配零用戶端在擁有30多家PCoIP設備商所提供的一個生態系統中可靠工作,並允許利用VMware所提供的一個通用的代理和管理視窗配置工作站和VDI桌面。“

藍寶AMD FirePro R5000是經過嚴格測試,以確保隨時要求運行的專業設備。這是一個持久的遠端圖形解決方案,旨在提高資產利用率密度,滿足現實世界中的工作負載,並最終有助於減少IT運營成本和節省為各個獨立系統維護的時間。

AMD FirePro 兩代遠端圖形卡規格對比
FirePro RG220/RG220A FirePro R5000
GPU RV711 40nm 28nm GCN
記憶體容量 512MB GDDR3 2GB GDDR5
頻寬 12.8GB/s 102.4GB/s
顯示輸出介面 DMS-59
Dual DVI-I
2 個Mini DisplayPort (1.2)
多屏輸出解析度 2路1920*1200 主機端: 2 路 2560*1600
用戶端: 最高可支援至4路 1920*1200
乙太網埠 2 1
PCoIP晶片 Teradici Tera1202 Teradici Tera2240
匯流排界面 PCI-E  2.0  *16 PCI-E 3.0 *16
API OpenGL 3.3 / DX10.1 OpenGL 4.2 / DX11.1
AMD ZeroCore / PowerTune 節電技術支援 No Yes 

DFMPro - 幫助您檢查結構上Undercut的問題

DFMPro - 幫助您檢查結構上Undercut的問題


在這裡彩原科技推薦您 DFMPro 這套軟體,DFMPro可直接與CAD整合(Pro/E,SolidWorks,NX),內建100種以上的各種製造規則,讓您可以在設計過程中或設計完成後快速的替您的結構設計作把關的動作,是設計端最佳的DFM輔助工具(DFM:Design For Manufacture)


1. 多個方向的拔模設定(For 滑塊&斜銷)
2. 公母模靠破的設計檢查
3. 斜銷&滑塊,退出距離是否足夠


CETOL - 簡單六步驟快速完成您的公差分析

CETOL - 簡單六步驟快速完成您的公差分析

公差分析( Tolerance Analysis )是設計驗證相當重要的一環,但工程師們往往苦於沒有方便

整合(Pro/E, SolidWorks, CATIA)。當工程師在CAD軟體做好設計之後立刻就可以啟動CETOL










Who is using KeyShot-Vitaly Bulgarov’s Black Phoenix Project. 10 Days of Mechs.

Who is using KeyShot-Vitaly Bulgarov’s Black Phoenix Project. 10 Days of Mechs. 


你可能知道的Vitaly Bulgarov從他難以置信的詳細工作作為一個 3D 的演出者、 遊戲角色工作坊
教程或他的字元和創建跨許多轟動 CG 網站的概念設計的圖像。很好,看來他最近的專案是不
詳細和不太可能創建了轟動。通過網站和論壇中日本撿起,在 KeyShot 中創建的呈現是如此現
實,它散佈在整個總不由自主的感到和 twitter 詩句描述為來自美國的新軍事技術。相反,是從
Vitaly的Black Phoenix project.實用程式/步兵 bot 的圖像。

Black Phoenix Project
與攝影師 Maria Skotnikova 創建的 backplates 和 HDR 環境合作。黑鳳凰是一種虛構的軍事公司,
在不遠的將來製造機器人。想法創建相冊,將完全可以表示整個產品線從實用程式和 semi-civilian 

這項工作成了"10 Days of Mechs.",創建一個機械一天,從頭到尾沒有初試素描。細節豐富和偉

Hyper-Realistic CGI Is Killing Photographers, Thrilling Product Designers

Hyper-Realistic CGI Is Killing Photographers, Thrilling Product Designers

Some people even use these advanced tools to replicate old school products.

產品設計師已經開始運用 CGI 和利用一個叫做 KeyShot 給他們的數位模型程式使得它們的照明效果似乎是拍照工作室或縮小的實際專案在野外。你可能看到 KeyShot 的輸出,雖然您可能意識不到它。與術等照明,突出了其所有關鍵功能的極致電腦圖像嗎? KeyShot,一種程式,增強了他們成為區分是不是真實的點到 CAD 創作中所做的一切。

“The entire Microsoft Surface marketing campaign was done in KeyShot, and if you go out and buy any Microsoft product, the picture on the box is made with KeyShot,” says Henrik Wann Jensen, an Academy Award-winning computer graphics professor who founded KeyShot’s parent company, Luxion. ”The same goes for pretty much every smartphone, tablet, even the Nook was made in KeyShot.”
Dave Vogt, an industrial designer who uses KeyShot in his work for Skullcandy, says that the speed that the software creates its output is a huge advantage. “Being able to pull in 3-D and have a juicy render sub 5 minutes is pretty impressive,” he says. “It’s a huge visualization asset for us to be able to instantaneously reroute a colorway mid-meeting and work through ideas.”
Other designers echo Vogt’s sentiment about the pace of work that KeyShot offers, making it stand out above other packages that try to produce similar effects. Tim Feher, who generates images for some of the top automakers, notes, “I have real, artistic-grade paints and I can see the impact of my work instantly. For me, speed is key. And KeyShot allows me to demonstrate multiple iterations quickly.”

KeyShot is a “camera for data” that is used to render cameras and other consumer electronics.

Despite its tech pedigree, the product has humble roots — it was originally designed to help window manufacturers preview lighting solutions. Now, it’s used to render Unilever shampoo bottles, Luis Vuitton leather bags, and even parts for the Millenium Falcon. Marco Di Lucca says that while he can’t reveal the projects he’s currently working on at Industrial Light & Magic, his work with KeyShot, especially its ability to generate realistic skin, have made him a believer.

“Rendering human skin has always been a huge challenge to get right,” he explains. “Skin rendering is a very complex matter, scientifically speaking, and what it makes even harder is the fact that we look at ourselves every day and it becomes very easy to spot a fake computer-generated imagery.”

For product shots, KeyShot is a control freak’s dream. Unlike photographs, the images it produces show no greasy fingerprints and are unmarred by dust. “If someone puts their heart and soul to a product, they want the images to be perfect,” says Jensen.Technically, KeyShot works by simulating the scattering of photons as they bounce around in a scene and interact with the different materials. According to Jensen, “The rendering engine in KeyShot is the only one that has been verified by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) as computing the scattering of light correctly (CIE 171:2006). We have been careful in ensuring that the physics is correct and this is one of the main reasons why we can simplify the interface and focus on the key parameters such as the color of the materials.”

KeyShot leverages Jensen’s scientific research, but he’s always excited to collaborate with artists to improve the product. “I was developing this paint that I thought was really good,” he says. “The physics made sense, but when I showed it to a famous car photographer he pointed out some details I missed.” Far from being deflated by the criticism, Jensen enjoys working with demanding professionals to help improve the product.

A CAD-generated wristwatch (top) gets the KeyShot makeover (bottom).

The renderings produced by KeyShot are also being used in development. The team at Luxion has spent a great deal of timing making sure their renderings are as close to photorealistic as possible. Chemical giant DuPont was so impressed with the verisimilitude of the renderings that car designers can actually spec their virtual paints in a CAD model and order real paints for a physical model, all in the same interface.

After conquering the world of product rendering, Jensen is leveraging advances in Moore’s law to tackle some of the most intractable challenges in computer graphics. First up is utilizing his technology, capable of rendering the face of a watch, to do the same for the human face — a technological challenge that Jensen attributes to the complexity of subcutaneous hair and blood.

The latest KeyShot release adds some impressive features, like stereoscopic viewing of models — a demo Jensen will be presenting at Siggraph this summer. With increasingly realistic images being produced in 3-D on MacBooks, Jensen thinks a real virtual-reality revolution — without the clunky Lawnmower Man look — could be within sight. “If we can raise the fidelity of the images, present them in 3-D and we can fool the eyes, I think it’s possible.”

KeyShot is rocketing CG artists out of the uncanny valley, providing a glimpse of the future. Photo:Marco Di Lucca